Ruby Lugdunum
aka RULU 2013
June 20-21, Lyon, France

Thursday, June 20

Time Talk Speaker
8:30 Registration and Breakfast
9:15 Welcome
9:30 From no code to a profitable business Jérémy Lecour
10:00 BREAK
10:30 Hacking With Gems Benjamin Smith
11:00 BREAK
11:30 Web Linguistics: Towards Higher Fluency Arne Brasseur
12:00 BREAK
12:30 From .NET to Ruby Michael Wawra
13:00 LUNCH
14:00 A Tale of Two Rubies Joshua Ballanco
14:30 BREAK
15:00 Dependencies, a boring, solved problem? Greg Karékinian
15:30 BREAK
16:00 Web + native = love Vincent Tourraine
16:15 Ruby Groups: Act Locally - Think Globally PJ Hagerty
16:30 BREAK
17:00 Let's take a walk Thomas Riboulet
18:00 End of Day 1

Dinner & Party at the Koodeta
Thursday, June 20 18:00 - 01:00

Friday, June 21

Time Workshop Host
8:30 Breakfast
9:00 RubyMotion Laurent Sansonetti
Coding Dojo Haikel Guémar
Rails 4 Damien Matthieu
12:00 End of Day 2

Ruby Franciae